No.1  愚かな気分
I do not like who is newly managing me.
Maybe I will go into details later.
Not now.

--- 2024 年 4 月 9 日

No.2   すべてが大丈夫です
Just relax.
Be pretty. And kind.

--- 2024 年 4 月 9 日

No.3   女王バチ
I figured out the psychological symptom of 'queen bee behavior'
In a male dominated work place, the main female in authority feels she is 'queen bee'.
How fitting for how my supervisor treats me.
--- 2024 年 4 月 20 日

No.4   妥協
What a day. My favorite coworker who I was just beginning to become super friendly with was fired (?). Basically, queen bee thought it would be ok to impulsively fire her because she was running late with traffic. But queen bee must run it by the CEO. The CEO gave her off for two weeks with an ultimatum of working 9 hrs a day, 40 hr a week. She told me she will come back after the short forced leave and then put in her two weeks to work another job. So that will leave me with this other woman who is basically a misanthrope.

I asked for a raise. I got $1.50 more than my usual pay. OK. But now I cannot work remotely. Compromises. Trying not to cry. At least I am wearing Tom Ford perfume. Both Vanilla Sex and Lost Cherry.
--- 2024 年 5 月 15 日