◇ 一人ぼっち ◇

No.3 2024/05/15(Wed) 11:29

Yes, I feel a little lonely. Not entirely though, because I have my angels. Maybe I took my free time for granted. There are oracle messages that are strange but true. I saw a vehicle with the license plate HALO 19. There were angel wings on the back.

If you read my recent work diary entry, maybe you can understand why I feel alone, desolate. I want to become a model already. Let me be a model, please universe.I want to douse myself in expensive perfumes, wear lovely clothes, and make the most of my youth. Please, please , please.

◇ 自分の価値を知る ◇

No.2 2024/04/20(Sat) 11:29

Naturally, if you are beautiful, people will be jealous.
They will try to sabotage you. Use your intuition and read the room. They may do things that seem like they are supporting you, but secretly they are praying to put you down. This is not a sign to become paranoid, but know your worth. I saw the sign 999 today when meeting with someone. If you know the meaning of 999, you know what I am talking about. Angels.

◇ 日食の日 ◇

No.1 2024/04/08(Mon) 06:04

Today the eclipse happened.
It was fun to watch.
I am nervous about work for no reason.